Quarto for Technical blogging

For blogging without thinking too much about blogging

Jon Minton


Background and motivation

  • Data Scientist Curious About Software Development

Separating the Challenges

  • Website
    • Written in React
    • Semantic HTML
    • Hand coded CSS
    • Little touched
  • Blog
    • Written in Quarto
    • Not perfectly customised but ‘good enough’
    • Can focus on what I’m writing about, not how I’m writing it
    • Updated most weeks (Currently around 80 posts)

What’s Quarto?

  • Language invariant
    • R
    • Python
    • Julia
    • Observable.js
  • IDE invariant
    • RStudio
    • Visual Studio Code
  • Output invariant
    • file formats
      • html
      • pdf
      • word
    • product types
      • Scientific notebooks
      • Manuscripts
      • Slide decks (including this, using reveal.js)
      • Generic websites and online books
      • Blogs

Chunks and Fences

  • Chunks for computing
    • Mermaid
    • latex
    • Python
    • R
    • observable etc
  • Fences for styling
    • Columns
    • Sidebars
    • Formatting and colouring

Getting started


In practice

Concluding thoughts

  • Good enough blogging platform
  • Low barrier to reentry
  • Abstracts away enough software dev complexity, allowing more focus on data science complexity
    • Back to software dev at a distance (only now more through choice).