Link-breaking Spring Clean


Jon Minton


May 31, 2024

As frequent/occasional viewers of this site might notice, the contents and header structure of this blog have changed: Instead of a single statisics listing page, I’ve now created a ‘Statistics & Data Science’ listing button, which then expands to reveal three specific listing pages:

If you look in the statistical theory & Applications section, you’ll also see that I’ve attempted to break up the posts into sections: A core section and an additional section, and within the core section some further subdivision into three subsections: Introduction; Likelihood and simulation theory; a complete example.

I hope this spring clean makes these resources easier to navigate and use than before.

Unfortunately a number of internal links broke as a result of moving the posts around. I’ve fixed quite a lot of these, but if you see any more broken links please leave a message as a comment in this post (github ID required), or contact me some other way.