EdinbR talk on modelling economic (in)activity transitions


Jon Minton


November 25, 2023

Yesterday I had the great privilege of being one of two speakers at the Edinburgh R Users group, called EdinbR. (Difficult to say without sounding like a pirate.)

I spoke through some of the modelling and conceptual challenges involved in trying to model the effect that various drivers/factors/exposures have on how many people in the UK become economically inactive, especially economically inactive for reasons of long-term sickness.

The talk seemed to go well (though perhaps the speaker’s always the last person qualified to judge), even though some of the algebra didn’t render correctly. (Which unfortunately means I also used algebra.)

Like this blog, the presentation also made use of Quarto, but in the presentation’s case using reveal.js.

The presentation is available, for those intrepid souls interested in seeing something with R code and algebra, here.